Open Enrollment:

  • All children enrolling must be toilet trained and self-sufficient in their bathroom abilities.

  • Families who join our waitlist may request a refund of their registration fee if a space is not offered by October 1. Refunds must be requested before January 1, 2026.

To begin your enrollment process:

  1. Fill out and submit the following Registration Form.

  2. Pay the Registration fee to be added to the waitlist.

  3. You will receive confirmation by email of your enrollment/placement on the waitlist within one week.

Registration Form

Please fill out one form per child.


Grace Preschool does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, religion or ability. We welcome and celebrate diversity in all forms and believe that this diversity strengthens and adds beauty to our classroom.

We embrace inclusive education and hold steadfast to the belief that all children have the right to belong. We work to actively learn what welcoming and celebrating all people looks like and strive to improve our ability to do this well for students, staff, families and the larger community.